Wednesday, April 22, 2009

one more thing..

Also. I just wanted to let everyone know I got good news last week. After endlessly searching for a job/internship this summer and having no luck whatsoever, I finally got one.

I applied to the Maine State Government Internship Program. They called me last Wednesday and offered me a position at the Department of Education in Augusta. I guess I was the best match for the position offered. It is a 12 week program and I am looking forward to it. It will be great experience!! I don't know too much about the job yet, but I do know I will be focusing on Special Education. Like going over IEP's, school contracts, etc.

I can't wait! :-)

Final Post..Maybe.

I have learned blogging is a very important technological tool. Blogging is actually very interesting. Prior coming to this class I was a little skeptical about blogs. I did not know too much about them and I did not understand the benefits they can produce. Now after creating my own blog, I have been able to learn how it works relatively quickly. Testing the different functions that the Google blogger has to offer has also been very helpful. This simple program is truly unique. It has so many different options you can choose from, depending on your own desires. I like that because I am very fond of choice.

Blogs are unique! They can be used to communicate thoughts or ideas while at the same time being able to correspond with others. Blogging can be used to discuss any topic whatsoever. For me, education blogs tend to be capture my attention. Within these blogs, some between educators themselves, the topics have a wide variety of range. Being able to find and join these blogs is great way to learn. As a future teacher I will not know everything and will have many questions. So having a easy way to communicate with other teachers will be very useful.

I have also learned how blogging can be incorporated in the classroom. Our guest speaker (Leah Welch) showed us how she uses blogs and I picked up a lot of ideas for myself. I realize blogging can be used for different purposes. For example, an online filling cabinet, a space to communicate with parents or other teachers and even a class portal. It is really neat!

As for continuing this blog, maybe? But I know that in the future, especially as a teacher, I will be maintaining and running a couple blogs myself.

My advice to new bloggers, is too relax. It is easy to learn and use! And blogging does have a lot of potential benefits on a personal or professional level. Really blogging is actually FUN! :-)